Every Website needs SEO. Because it Works.


Jaap Snoeck Henkemans - Trusted Google SEO Expert Malaysia
Jaap Snoeck Henkemans
Freelance SEO Expert Malaysia

The sole purpose of my SEO work is to grow my Clients’ Businesses.

What is SEO – and how does it help you grow your Business?

SEO – short for “Search Engine Optimization”,  is a set of techniques that improves the Visibility of your Website on Google’s Search Engine.

In the long run, using expert SEO services is the most effective marketing investment to grow your business online.
The best part is that you don’t have recurring costs, unlike Google Ads or Facebook advertising.

By engaging my services, you don’t just get Expert SEO but also Content Improvement and optimisation of the User Experience and Visitor Engagement for your website.

Google’s ever-changing Ranking Algorithms

Google is changing its Search Ranking Algorithms on a regular basis, so I spend a lot of time and effort staying up-to-date with the implications for your website’s online visibility.

The links below will show you the daily fluctuations in Google rankings worldwide and the roll-outs of major Algorithm changes.

The smartest Investment in your Business Growth is Professional Search Engine Optimization

The top 6 Google Ranking factors revealed

This is what Google thinks is really important for your website’s Page Rankings.

According to Google, the top six SEO Factors or “Signals” for good Google rankings for any Website are these:

Relevant Website Content is needed for high rankings on Google

Relevant, comprehensive, and informational  content: To truly excel in providing answers on Google, it’s essential to create relevant but also thorough and informative content. This great content ensures readers receive the best possible response to their inquiries.

High Authority Backlinks help you to rank higher on Google

Trustworthy links to your website (backlinks)

Correctly addressing Search Intent is an important Google Ranking factor

Matching the “Search Intent” of a user’s Google query and providing the best possible answer.

Mobile friendliness has become a very important Google ranking factor. We can help you with that.

Mobile friendliness (Responsive design; primarily focused on Mobile use, rather than Desktop use)

Fast Website loading speed is a very important Google Ranking Factor

Fast page-loading speed both on Desktops and Smartphones, complying with Google’s “Core Web Vitals” criteria.

Over the past 15 years, I have built up a lot of expertise in “SEO that works for Business Growth.